Featured this week

Women in Weed: Mary McCauley
Women in Weed: Mary McCauley

Women in Weed: Mary McCauley At High Minded and our sister company, Timber Cannabis Co, we believe in giving back to our communities. Today we’d like to introduce you to…

Women in Weed: Lori Gonzalez
Women in Weed: Lori Gonzalez

We have a lot of exciting things in the works here at High Minded, and we’d like to spotlight one of our team members working hard behind the scenes: our…

Women in Weed: Chivonne Rush
Women in Weed: Chivonne Rush

Women in Weed: Chivonne Rush Last year, we introduced you to Chivonne Rush, Stash Ventures’ Marketing Manager who oversees marketing for both High Minded and our sister business, Timber Cannabis…

Thanksgiving Tips from High Minded
Thanksgiving Tips from High Minded

How to be the Cool Cousin at Thanksgiving Happy holidays! The only thing better than eating mashed potatoes is eating mashed potatoes while stoned. You can quote us on that.…

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