Zachary Shepp

Director of Production
Brief info

Zachary Shepp is the Director of Production for High Minded Creations. He is based out of our headquarters in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. He started with High Minded in May 2021.

Zachary has an Associates Degree in Media Arts and Entertainment Technologies with continued studies in Business Management.

Zachary has been in the Cannabis Industry for nine years. He started in 2014 when he moved to Southern Humboldt County, California, to trim. He went back and forth between Michigan and California for a couple of years. Working his way up to managing a large scale farm in Southern Humboldt County kept in California for a bit. Once Adult Use was legalized in Michigan, Zachary wanted to move home to be closer to immediate family and friends. He started searching for a company he had shared values and could grow his career.

Zachary Shepp is the Director of Production for High Minded Creations. He is based out of our headquarters in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. He started with High Minded in May 2021.

Zachary has an Associates Degree in Media Arts and Entertainment Technologies with continued studies in Business Management.

Zachary has been in the Cannabis Industry for nine years. He started in 2014 when he moved to Southern Humboldt County, California, to trim. He went back and forth between Michigan and California for a couple of years. Working his way up to managing a large scale farm in Southern Humboldt County kept in California for a bit. Once Adult Use was legalized in Michigan, Zachary wanted to move home to be closer to immediate family and friends. He started searching for a company he had shared values and could grow his career.

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