Kaitlin Cartwright

Inventory Manager
Brief info

Kaitlin Cartwright is the Inventory Manager at our location in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. She started with High Minded under the Stash Ventures, LLC umbrella in 2021. She has been in the Cannabis industry for 4 years.

Kaitlin is a graduate of Kalamazoo Central High School and completed 2 years at Community College at KVCC.

Prior to joining Stash, she spent her time in the administrative and banking world as a personal banker and loan officer for many years. From there she transitioned into Office Management within the cannabis industry. In this industry, she has always specialized in managing the inventory and ensuring compliance, securing transfers, assist in testing and managing those results and packaging.

Outside of the industry, she enjoys a small farm that she and her husband have with lots of ducks and chickens. She lives life with her husband, 2 stepsons, toddler Calvin, as well as their 2 dogs and 1 cat.

Kaitlin Cartwright is the Inventory Manager at our location in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. She started with High Minded under the Stash Ventures, LLC umbrella in 2021. She has been in the Cannabis industry for 4 years.

Kaitlin is a graduate of Kalamazoo Central High School and completed 2 years at Community College at KVCC.

Prior to joining Stash, she spent her time in the administrative and banking world as a personal banker and loan officer for many years. From there she transitioned into Office Management within the cannabis industry. In this industry, she has always specialized in managing the inventory and ensuring compliance, securing transfers, assist in testing and managing those results and packaging.

Outside of the industry, she enjoys a small farm that she and her husband have with lots of ducks and chickens. She lives life with her husband, 2 stepsons, toddler Calvin, as well as their 2 dogs and 1 cat.

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